Sunday School

Sunday School For All Ages
Sunday School is offered during the school year from 9:30 am to 10:30 am. Classes tailored to all ages (children, youth, and adult) are provided:
Adult Class with Jill Doss in the Library
9th – 12th Grade with Pastor Buskey and Terri Davis in Room 204
4th to 8th Grade with Peter Mapstone in Room 205
Pre-K to 3rd Grade with Mrs. Kim Granata in Room 203
Children’s Church

Singing, Bible stories, games and crafts for children from kindergarten through 3rd grade. Meets during the second half of the Sunday worship service, directly after the Children’s Sermon. (Children’s church does not meet during the summer.)
Bible Studies

Wednesday Evening Bible Studies With Pastor John Buskey and Terri Davis
Adult Bible Study on Wednesday at 7:00 pm will not meet Christmas Day or New Years Day. Bible Study resumes Jan. 8 @ 7:00 pm in the Library. Please enter from the Red Door. All are welcome.
From September through June, Bible Studies are offered on Wednesday nights at 7:00 pm in the Library (or via Zoom). Emails are sent to the congregation each week with details. To join by Zoom or phone call, please email the church office for the link:
Wednesday Morning Bible Studies With Melissa Mapstone
Wednesdays (September through June) at 9:15 am in the Library. (Please enter at the red door).

Vacation Bible School
Every summer, our congregation hosts a 5-day Vacation Bible School. Approximately 50 children from our community take advantage of this amazing week of faith, fun, learning, and creativity.